S5 Corporate Response - шаблон joomla Книги
Firefighting Equipment

Various types of fire fighting foams

Type: P, FP, AFFF, FFFP, Alcohol resistance
Concentrate: 1%, 3%, 6%
Packing in25, 100, 220lit drum: plastic or steel

1- P foam is a protein foam
Produced from a carefully controlled blend of hydrolised protein, foam boosters, stabilizers & preservatives. This ensures the production of stabilized fluid foam. This type of foam should be used as proportioned solution in fresh or sea water.

2- FP is a flouroprotein foam concentrate containing fluorinated surfactant in a carefully formulate protein foam liquid.

3- AFFF is an aqueous film forming concentrate consisting of fluorocarbon & hydrocarbon surfactants with various solvent, preservatives & stabilizers. The foam forms an aqueous film that rapidly cuts of the oxygen supply & thus knocks down the fire.

4- FFFP is a film forming fluoroprotein foam concentrate containing hydrolyzed protein & preservatives, together with a blend of fluorinated surfactants to achieve the maximum synergistic effect.

5- ARC is a high efficiency multi purpose film forming foam. The main advantage of ARC is the better induction ratio on all class B fires, also polar solvent.
